Hiking vacations in the Dolomites - www.wanderdorf.it

Hiking vacations in the Dolomites

At the Ludwigshof, you’ll find countless splendid hiking trails for the whole family starting practically at your doorstep. But more-ambitious vacationers can look forward to challenging mountain tours and climbing routes, too. In the idyllic mountain landscape around Truden / Trodena, mountainbikers will not want for options. There are innumerable trails of every level of difficulty.


  • Guest cards entitling you to numerous reduced rates, price discounts, etc. – for example, with the mountain cableways in the Fleims Valley / Val di Fiemme, for the indoor public swimming pool in Cavalese, or free admission to the amazing Bletter Gorge Geoparc. Your ticket to fun and adventure while on vacation!
  • On a weekly basis, there are theme-based hikes conducted by the local tourist agency. Truden / Trodena is one of the European Hiking Villages offering superb hiking quality and ecological tourism.
  • Hiking maps, hiking books, and additional material so that you can explore the nearby wilderness are all available in our Refugium.
  • We are certified hiking hosts, and can thus provide you with individual advice and “insider tips” for a great hiking vacation.
  • Loan of hiking equipment (poles, child carriers, backpacks).
27th May - 15th September 2018
5 Nights
€ 405,00
at person half board

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